Sei stato morso da un Vampiro di nome Nex Atra.
Ti ha succhiato 1.94 litri di sangue.
Transform into a Vampiro and play MonstersGame too. Click here.

Sentiti onorata, mia umile vittima: il tuo corpo è stato dissacrato dall"Assassino nero, unico e immortale Signore delle oscure cave di Dar-Kunor e dell"intero regno di Algalord. Possa la tua anima patire atroci sofferenze fino alla fine della sua misera esistenza. (Feel honoured, my humble victim: thy body was desacrated by the Black Assassin, the one and immortal Lord of the dark caves of Dar-Kunor and of the whole reign of Algalord. May thy soul feel terrible sufferences until the end of his miserable existence).

Notice: The text below was provided by the player, not MonstersGame. If the text is insulting in any way or perhaps even illegal, please contact the game provider immediately. Thanks in advance.


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